Be it the first page on Microsoft Word or the first fresh sheet in that new leather bound notebook, I always find myself staring at that empty space with an expression as blank as the page itself. I even suffered from it when writing this article, I suffer when starting an essay question and I suffer worst of all when starting to write creatively. No matter what the subject, no matter what my level of confidence is on the subject matter, I will let my fingers hover over the keys of my laptop, my pen linger over the paper and I will remain frozen in that position for at least ten minutes.

The fear of the blank page.
One of the most dangerous phenomena a writer can experience. A fear that can cripple an aspiring writer before they’ve even begun. It is this fear that words written can never be unwritten, that the words that come tumbling out of the mind will not make sense, not convey what was supposed to be conveyed or simply not be good enough.
I experience that fear way too often than I would care to admit. It doesn’t even matter what I’m writing. A poem, an article, the ever feared ‘Chapter One’ of a novel, a goddamn shopping list! If it requires me to write something down on a blank piece of paper, you can pretty much guarantee that I will wonder how I should write it, how I should set it out, what font to use, what font size, should I leave a line between my paragraphs, should I indent my paragraphs with a tab to display clearly that a new paragraph is starting right there? So many pointless and irrelevant questions swirl through my head when I start to write. Sometimes I let those questions and that fear beat me. Sometimes I end up slamming the lid of my laptop down or throwing my notebook across the room in frustration because I believe that I simply can not do it.