Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Future Shock

There it was again. That thought you've been pushing to the back of your mind, the same thing that's run through your head through endless hours of Netflix browsing, timeline-refreshing and new lows of laziness: "Soon, I'll be a college student." Yup, that's right, your high school days are already over, and pretty soon you'll be expected to become A Responsible Adult (or at least act like one). The next few steps of your "learner journey" (yawn) will mean you have to make a number of choices, whether it be your courses, settling into college life or just a complete change of image. If you're panicking at just the idea of these, then let me give you some advice. 

What did you want to be when you grew up? A vet? A footballer? Spiderman? Well, now is the time to make those dreams a reality! (Except Spiderman, I can't work miracles.) Yes, college may seem a lot more in-depth and serious than what you're used to, but it gives you the chance to work towards the career you've wanted for ages, but would never dare tell your mates about.
Your first serious academic decision should therefore be about the subjects you're going to study. Don't pick a class just 'cos your friend's in it, and don't pick a class because it looks easy. Trust me, it won't be and your mate will be too bothered about either their own studies or their exciting love life to pay attention to those notes you should be taking right now. Instead, go for the stuff you like doing and you know you're good at. If you fancy being a bit of a rebel, try a subject you like the sound of, or never had the guts to do in high school. It might even be the best decision you make this year. 

College itself is a huge step-up from the schools you're used to. However, it's not as terrifying a change as people say it is. Sure, in the first few days you might get to a lesson late, or go to the wrong classroom entirely. Impossibly tall people may tower above you; is it really possible they're only a year older? The big thing is the difference in work style. Although the teachers won't exactly cover for your lack of work, they won't abandon you either. You'll have to do a lot of studying on your own, but it can actually be fun to learn new things. Who knew? Fair enough, homework also gets set more often too. If you have a free period and can't be bothered to walk to McDonalds, or your wifi signal is virtually gone, why not get it done? It's one less thing to do when you get home and you might even feel a bit better for it, at least until the next week. 

So, we're at the one part of the future that's most important to a lot of us: the terrible awful problem of self-image. This one has an easy answer (which is good, 'cos I'm running out of article space). Please, please don't worry about "reinventing" yourself. Your personality got you safety and successfully through two stages of school, so why change it to suit others? If you like volleyball, there's a club for that. If you love nothing more than watching some anime in your free time, you'll find your own crew. If you consider yourself normal and well-adjusted, why are you reading this guide? All jokes aside, I hope my advice helps you realise that really, the future isn't so bad after all. 

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