Growing up is good. We all have to grow up and have responsibilities and actually deal with the future. Do you know what's also good? Not growing up sometimes.
There are so many changes going on in everyone's life right now, whether you are a first year, just entering this whole other part of your life, or a second year applying to University and getting ready to be an actual adult. Sometimes, I think we just have to remind ourselves that were young and it's okay to be young and childish and sing to Disney at the top of your voice or play 'kids' games. We have to remember that no matter how old you are, we have the right to just not care sometimes.
When you get older it can sometimes be hard to remember the wonderful time before stress and adult-ish things. I'm not saying that you can just disregard your responsibilities, I'm just trying to say that it can be healthy to step away from it for a little bit.
So, recently I saw Inside Out (the Pixar movie, not the thing on the BBC) and it's great, by the way, for so many reasons, but mainly because even though it's aimed at children, it can affect you at any age. Riley, the main character, is growing up and having to deal with all the emotions that with this new stage in life just like what a lot people can relate with. If you have seen the movie then you should remember a scene with Joy and Bing Bong that's all about leaving behind things from your childhood and it becomes one of the most heartbreaking things because everyone can relate to this idea of leaving growing up and realising that some things from your childhood are gone.
But why should growing up mean that everything we did when we were younger is too childish? There are so many pressures to grow up and be responsible and be mature all the time, but at this age it's really hard to find the balance between still being kids and being adults.
If you take anything away from this at all then just let it be that no matter what age you are or what situation you are in, you have permission to watch 10 Disney movies in a row (done it) in your pajamas all day and eat strawberry ice-cream and claim the strawberry is one of your 5-a-day. Sometime life can get too much and taking a day off from it can be all you need.
'There's no point in being grown up if you can't act a little childish sometimes.' - Tom Baker, Doctor Who.
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