Life can get pretty confusing when it starts to pile up… an endless list of work to get through, social expectations to meet, commitments to keep, mock exams to revise for, the constant drone of a weekend job, never mind the oncoming threat of University!
(Or just year 13 for all you young 'uns, bless you.)
(Or just year 13 for all you young 'uns, bless you.)

I’m trying to avoid a lecture on how ‘time is precious’ and not to waste your precious time, however to quote that Greek guy Socrates: “Beware the barrenness of a busy life.”
We’re all guilty of leading busy lives and, not to spur arguments but, the two years spent at college are
arguably the two busiest years of a person’s life – and this is made increasingly harder for modern
generations with more and more commitments to keep. I’ve spoken to current university residents who
agree that their college years were, by far, much harder.

So with the Summer exams approaching, here’s some tips to help you chill…
- When it comes down to it, there’s not as much work as you think!
It’ll sound odd, and you might not agree as you think of yet another job to add to you to-do list, but just break it down and tackle a task at a time. I always, always get flustered thinking there’s just so much to do in so little time, but once I calm down and get on with it the work suddenly becomes much easier.
- Remember to take a break – you need it.
Just. Breathe. Sometimes that one evening of binge-watching Netflix, a crazy night out, or even a gaming marathon isn’t so bad… So long as you’re strict with yourself. As a full-time, professional stress-er the advice I’m given most is to “step back sometimes”, because you will usually find that the reason you’ve hit a brick wall is because you’re too close to the subject. Step back, have a breather, and refresh yourself with it later with a new perspective – because we’re all entitled to having a life!
- Just Do It.
Strictness is key. So many people avoid their work by just procrastinating, and just overall doing things you wouldn’t usually be bothered about (I know someone that cleaned their neighbor’s car because they didn’t want to revise). Whether you like it or not, you’re going to have to do it sooner or later – and I’d suggest sooner. You can’t run from these things so, why try? “Just Do It” to quote Nike… or Shia LaBeouf… or popular internet memes…
Stop worrying, and pick up a dictionary because there’s more words than “Wha-?” and “I can’t do it”. “Can’t” is not a word. It’s a contraction of “cannot”.
Well done, reader! You just made a step towards positive thinking.
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